The Importance of Youth Involvement in Economic Development in Enugu State

Discover Enugu
12 min readSep 28, 2020

with an overview of the general stewardship of Governor Ugwuanyi

Since the beginning of time, going as far as man can remember, the youths of any society are regarded as the backbone of such societies. One of the interesting thing about the youthful age is the agility that comes with it. That is the ability to carry out-tasking jobs more efficiently. This places them over every other class in the demographic structure of any community.

Youths usually have the ability to know trends and other new approaches in solving problems which we encounter daily. The older ones may have their methods, but they may lack the current knowledge to carry out tasks faster and efficiently.

With these reasons and more, we will focus attention on the importance of pulling in more of these brains in the day to day running of our economy in Enugu state and the effort being put in so far by the government of the state in ensuring the proper involvement of youths in economic activities.

Going further, it is important that we look at the importance of carrying the youths along in our national economic development. The youths make up 70% of the general population in Nigeria. Whatever affects them creates a huge impact on the general well being of society. Some of the importance of youth inclusiveness in economic developments are stated as follows:

From the above, we can deduce that the priority of every government should be to ensure steady and efficient growth of the economy. And in Nigeria, we practice a government where we seek to ensure the maximum output in every sector of the economy.

Because we run a centralised government, they have dedicated these duties or maybe shared them to the subdivisions of this structure which has been placed under the central structure to carry out these duties.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the performance recorded in the first quarter of 2020 shows a drop of 0.23% points when compared to the data from the first quarter of 2019. These drops have been as a result of the early effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and also the drop in oil prices. The new economic programs are ones which should be designed to curb such effects on the county’s economy.

Enugu state which is under the central government is mandated to maximize its output economically to ensure steady growth of the national GDP.

With this goal, the governor of Enugu state has mapped out several programs to incorporate the youths in the day-to-day running of the economy in Enugu state and this has paid off handsomely.

This genius of the governor of Enugu state has been made evident in the recent recognition of Enugu state among the six states in Nigeria that can run independently without the annual revenue from the federal government.

The problem many states and even countries of the world are facing these days is the problem of a teaming population. And in the heart of this population lies the young ones who have attained the youthful age.

This youthful age is one which is burdened with strive to get a means of livelihood in other to for them to be comfortable later in life. When this aim is achieved, it ends up not only benefiting the individual but also directly or indirectly benefits the government.

In other to make this quest for a means of survival easier for the people, the governor of Enugu State has played a major role in the establishment and sponsoring of skill acquisition programs all over the state.

With this, he ensures that the youths remain gainfully employed while people who will help to train the future young ones are being produced.

Below are some of the remarkable efforts that have been put forward by the government to ensure youth inclusiveness in economic activities across the state:

  • It is quite clear that moving to most rural areas in the state, there had been little or no aid going to the people residing in these areas. With regards to this, the current governor of Enugu state is committed to giving attention to these rural areas. In his first tenor in office, the governor started putting access roads to these rural areas such as the Ngenevu community and also the interiors of Nsukka. These were welcomed developments. This action will make it easier to carry any other economic plans that will be taken to such rural areas.
  • To aid the SMEs in the state, the Enugu state government had launched a scheme that will enable traders to get more funds to grow their businesses. The Enugu State Traders Empowerment Scheme is one of a kind. The governor made available funds up to 60 million that would be won by traders through an open raffle draw. With the success of the first phase of this program, the governor had made a double increase of 120 million naira to incorporate more traders in the scheme. This brought out more his commitment to ensuring that the economy of the state is at its best.
  • The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Skill Acquisition Programme of the Ugwuanyi administration is one that is committed in its mission to equip the youths with life copping capabilities. Following the training of the youths who were involved in this program, the overbore had made available a startup fund of 100,000 naira to each of the participants. This way, the governor had ensured that they are given a good head start for what they want for themselves in future.

It is no news when we talk about the sorry state of many government-owned schools in different parts of Nigeria. This situation has limited the efficient passing of knowledge to the students in these schools. The governor of Enugu State however has taken up this challenge to make sure that the educational facilities and made suitable for learning all around the state. Many seem reluctant to send their wards to government-owned schools in the past.

But with the efforts which Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi has put in rehabilitating these facilities, we hope to see a heavy change of mindset among parents and guardians.

Also, the rehabilitation of educational institutions and the establishment of good skill acquisition programs play important role in bringing the youths into the spotlight in the economic development of the state.

The wish of every government is to attract investors from all around the world in other for them to contribute to the economic process of the state. It becomes a problem when these investors come and there is no skilled labour to support them. So this move that the governor has taken will ensure that quality labour is made available for use when such opportunities present themselves.

Some of the reforms which the governor has carried out so far to ensure that knowledge is efficiently inculcated in the youths are as follows:

To improve the standard of learning in the Enugu state educational system, the governor has been working hand in hand with the Enugu State Universal Basic Education Board (ENSUBEB) to ensure that they go back the drawing board to see that adequate reforms are carried out to improve in the process of teaching and learning.

For some states in the federation, one of the glaring problems is that of the failure of the government to pay salaries to their workers. When such is the case for teachers, we end up seeing some kind of lackadaisical attitude towards duties on the side of the teachers. Some will end up abandoning school work to go and search for an alternative means of livelihood. But in Enugu State such is not the case with the present government.

In fact, it has been on record that the workers receive their salaries on the 23rd of every month. This comes with some other incentives such as the thirteenth-month salary.

Due to the type of careless and selfish attitude that has been common with the previous governments over time, we see that sometimes, people who are not qualified to hold sensitive posts such as that of teachers are given such duties to perform.

With this, you get a system that is embedded in mediocrity which in turn limits the quality of knowledge being passed. To remedy this in Enugu State, the government has been working with the education board to ensure that teachers are picked based on merit.

Going further, one will not fail to point out that the major problem which the economy of any state face at times is the issue of security. I mean, what is the point is creating businesses or establishments without proper plans on how to protect them.

Because of this, the government of Enugu State has been fighting seriously to secure the state territory amid the security crises which face in the country today. And again, the youths are often people who get involved in causing security unrests the most.

But with the provision of proper skill acquisition centres and other interesting activities for the youths, the government of Enugu State is making a move to gainfully engage the minds of these young ones, such that they will not be placed in tight corners which could push them into the life of crime to survive.

Some other way governments can ensure steady economic growth which gainfully engages the youth is through cultural appropriation.

It is said that culture is people’s way of life. So culture plays a very important role in the economic development of any state. When a government fails to create a system that incorporates the contribution and involvement of every member of the state in the economic growth, they might end up having a lopsided growth which will create a fragile economic structure.

For instance, in many African societies, the education of the girl child was not taken very seriously. But with the way things are going, we have experienced a change which requires the effort of both sexes to ensure a strong structure. This transition would have been easier if everyone was treated equally and presented equal opportunities in the past.

But with recent developments, it has become an issue that requires the attention of the government to help in presenting the importance of making this change to the people. This way, there will be more hands on deck to ensure that the economy is moving in a pace that it is meant to. In some situations, it may require that the government set up bodies which will be looking into such cases. Through these bodies, the government will set up activities which can be used as a medium to pass this awareness as much as is required.


Before we point out major revamp programs carried out be Governor Ugwuanyi in Enugu State, it is important to note that when he took over office, the government of Enugu state had been seriously affected by the recession at that time. Enugu State was not expected to generate enough fund that could cover workers salaries much more carrying out other capital projects within the state. But the following steps were taken to remedy the situation:

  • On getting into office, the governor instituted a 15-man economic advisory committee headed by Msgr. Obiora Ike. This committee is tasked with identifying areas in the state’s economy that needs attention and also device means through which these problems can be solved to ensure that the growth of the economy is sustained. With the help of this committee and other measures being taken, the World Bank Group had rated the second most advanced state in Nigeria when it comes to the ease of doing business.
  • With happenings over the years, when considering the governor’s encounter and experiences with the workers in Enugu State, the governor can be described as one of the most worker-friendly governors in the country. He recognises the contributions and commitments being put in by these workers and appreciates them by the prompt and regular payment of salaries. He has set a record for paying up salaries on the 23rdof every month. He has gone further to add some other incentives such as the thirteenth-month salaries to encourage the workers.
  • At a time like this when many states are struggling with funds to run the government, the Enugu state government has been able to maintain stability while ensuring that extra helping hands are extended to the most vulnerable individuals in the state. To mention again, there are still ongoing infrastructural projects which have not been slowed down by the harsh economic situations in the country.
  • The farmers/herders clashes had been one that threatened the production of food and other economic crops in the state. The governor had shown his concern by the institution of a body now known as the forest guards to help protect the farmers and other communities from the painful situations that they have found themselves. And to mark the governor’s concern about the life and properties of the citizens, the governor had added five new fire stations in addition to the already existing ones across the state. There has been a supply of equipment to these newly established facilities.
  • Since the governor assumed office till date, there are ongoing rehabilitation and consideration of roads both in rural and urban areas. There is a very long list of communities that have benefited from this project worth billions of naira. This hours along with other infrastructural rehabilitation such as the upgrade of the Nike Lake Resort in other to help boost the tourism sector of the state’s economy. As of 2018, the governor has taken steps to see to the upgrade of up to 589 primary and secondary school blocks across the state. This goes hand in hand with the provision of modern learning facilities and also increasing the number of teachers to meet the demands of a growing population.
  • The governor had designed a scheme which has assisted over 2400 traders within the state with the sum of N50,000 each for them to be able to expand in their businesses. He has gone further to train and empower more than 700 youths under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program leaving them with a means of livelihood.
  • The provision of potable water has been one of the achievements of this government. The rehabilitation of the Ajali and Oji River Water Treatment Facilities has seen the improved supply of water across the city of Enugu and other locations.
  • Under the Primary Health Care program in the state, the governor has moved to restore the confidence on the masses on our health sector. We have had many failing hospital facilities across the state but this is being remedied. This is evident in the rehabilitation of structure such as the Poly Clinic, Asata, Enugu and Udi District Hospital. These are just but a few of such rehabilitations that has been done across the state.
  • The rehabilitation and construction of roads across the state especially in rural areas have been one of the most standing out achievement of this government. Below are some of the road and other infrastructural projects that this present government has done and is still doing:
  • Emene, Abakpa-Nike
  • 9th Mile Corner
  • The two 9th Mile Bypasses in Udi Local Government Area
  • The Agbani-Amurri road in Nkanu West LGA
  • The Ogonogoeji-Ndiagu-Akpugo road (from Atavu bailey bridge to Afor Onovo)
  • Ngenevu road
  • Nkalagu-Eha Amufu road
  • Nike Lake road and Abakpa Nike road in Enugu East
  • Opi-Nsukka Dual Carriageway in Nsukka Local Government Area
  • Ogbaku road in Agwu
  • New Market-Milliken Hill-Ngwo- 9th Mile road
  • Ebonyi River Bridge in Isi Uzo Local Government Area
  • Urban areas like Holy Trinity Street and Bishop Michael Eneje Street, Independence Layout, Enugu; Mount Crescent, GRA, Enugu; Orofia Street, off Nza Street, Independence Layout, Enugu; Dental School — Tipper Garage road, Trans Ekulu, Enugu; Loma Linda- Timber Shed road, Maryland, Enugu; Nwafia Street, Independence Layout, Enugu; Mbanefo Street, New Haven, Enugu; Secretariat Road, G.R.A, Enugu
  • Court Avenue by new State Secretariat Enugu
  • Owerri Road and Poly Clinic Road, Asata
  • Renovation of the Enugu State House of Assembly Complex
  • Rehabilitation of the popular Michael Okpara Square, Enugu

There are many more other projects going on all across the seventeen local governments all across the state. The above is just to mention but a few. Enugu State is witnessing a huge turn of events with these outcomes. The people of Enugu state have shown goodwill and the disposition to support him as he leads them on many occasions.

Finally, it is important to stress that the youths are very important in the economic growth of any given community. The situation of the youths in any demographic structure is used to judge how successful or backward the economic life in such communities is. This is because the youths form a greater number of the labour force that the state has. When the youths are sidelined, we end up dragging growth in the economy.

The government of Enugu state has been up and doing on issues concerning the youths since the recent administration came into place. This is an effort that should not be relented on even when any other government comes into place.

Government is designed to be a continuum.

When the youths are neglected, we will end up creating an environment that might not be viable for any economic activity, much more being able to attract investors.

The youths are said to be the leaders of tomorrow, it is only necessary for the ground to be prepared for them to take charge to ensure a good and better tomorrow.

The current Enugu State government, under the leadership of Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, has been keeping up with the four-point agenda which he pledged to upon his swearing-in which is (a) provision of employment (b) development of rural areas © service to the people and good governance and (d) security and social justice.

The ball now falls in the court of the citizens to be cooperative with implementing these policies.

Written by Emmanuel Ezema

Originally published at on September 28, 2020.

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Discover Enugu
Discover Enugu

Written by Discover Enugu

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